Activate Your Glitch Codes


Activate Your Glitch Codes 👽

👽⚡️👾Intergalactic heretical mystic and conduit for deviant cosmic codes🛸

🌌Constellating a collective of weirdos, misfits, freaks, and dreamers

💫Coding a prismatic fractalculture of lawless creatives🛸🌈👽✨

🌀Be the mutation you want to see in the world

😈Evolution requires deviance

🌌Orbit with me ⬇️

Lisa Quigley,

the glitch witch.

Your Glitches Are Your Magic


Your Glitches Are Your Magic 👾

Be the glitch you want to see in the world.

You are a weirdo, a misfit, an outsider, a freak.

You have always felt out of place in social groups.

Your special interests make you feel alienated and misunderstood.

You have been called “the black sheep”.

You have been labeled rebellious, disruptive, difficult, odd, unusual, quirky.

You have spent a lot of your life wondering why you couldn’t just “figure it out” or “get it together”.

So much time on the outside looking in, longing for acceptance.

Dear sweet chaotic disruptor, you are not here to belong in a malfunctioning world.

⚡️You are here to alchemize it.⚡️

Though your differences may have felt challenging throughout your life, in this space I invite you to exhale.

Because all the ways you “don’t fit in”—these are your superpower codes.

👽Every evolutionary process begins with a mutation.

👾And honey, you are one magical mutation.

⚡️Guess what, you electric deviant intergalactic subversive alien babe you?

You are gifted with 👾glitch magic.✨

Your glitches are systems upgrades in human consciousness.

You are here to catalyze the evolution of humanity.









Weirdo 🛸 Misfit 👾 Freak 👽 Dreamer 🌈

“Your weird qualities and strange obsessions are portals to your most powerful expression.”

—Lisa Quigley