Star Walker
Initiate Galactic Remembrance
an experiential workshop for Future Earth leaders
Against all the odds...you are right here.
Before you continue on this page, I invite you to pause, take a breath, and connect with all your younger selves who have brought you to this point.
It’s nothing short of a miracle that you’re here, reading these words, considering where you started.
Take that in.
Against all odds, you’ve scrapped and fought and struggled your way forward to this point in time.
You have always been moving toward your wildest dreams—even if it often felt like blindly stumbling forward in the darkness.
It hasn’t always been pretty or Instagram-worthy.
Some of that journey feels downright cringe.
You’ve made mistakes. You’ve rebelled. You’ve tried to “show them” (all those people who invalidated you or tried to make you think it was impossible.)
You’ve tried. You’ve failed. You’ve succeeded only to find out…that wasn’t it either, and your heart was still calling you forward.
So you kept going.
(Even when it would have been easier to give up.)
You have come so far already.
You already know you're here on Earth on a mission.
You already know you’re going to answer the call.
Because you’ve already answered it—again and again and again.
You know you came to Earth—at this time, when our social, political, and global systems are crumbling at a faster rate than our human brains can process—
On purpose.
You came here on a mission.
And when you try to pin the mission down…it changes, shifts, morphs.
You can never quite hold it…
Because it isn’t something to hold.
Your mission isn’t rigid or stagnant.
Your mission is just as alive as you are.
And in fact, coming more alive is the whole point.
You didn’t come to Earth to DO any one thing—not exactly.
You came here to live an enlivened life.
To be filled with your own life force…and then amplify it.
You know that when you do this, you SPREAD that life force into the collective (through the interconnected mycelial web that unites us ALL.)
You are here to lead by example.
⫸ You will not be swayed by the fickle nature of other people’s opinions.
⫸ You will not be deterred by your parents’ invalidation.
⫸ You will not be moved by mean comments on Instagram.
⫸ You will not answer to who is or is not President.
Because what you’re here for is so much bigger than any of that.
When the external winds inevitably shift and change, you cannot be shaken.
Because you're not relying on anything in the external world to prove to you that it's okay for you to be here, to be who you came here to be.
You already know that you'll keep moving toward what calls you—whether or not anyone is watching.
Whether or not anyone is cheering you on.
Whether or not anyone believes in you or “gets” what you’re doing.
And that's why you're here. On this page.
Reading these words. Because you've already been living this way.
It's what has gotten you this far.
And now you're ready to root down even deeper, to anchor into the full scope of what you’re here to do
—and why.
You're ready to show up to your dreams and channel them down into the physical world like you were made for this moment...
Because you were.
And because you already have faith and confidence without seeing…
You're ready to be entrusted with more.
You want to know where you've come from. Who you've been. Who's with you.
To receive a broader scope of the picture.
STAR WALKER is a workshop for mystics, artists, visionaries, and Future Earth leaders who want to be resourced by more of the story.
You’re already in this for the long haul—and now you want to see the broader scope that will help you remember WHO YOU ARE and WHY YOU CAME TO EARTH.
You’re ready to be nudged forward by more than just quiet whispers and gentle intuition and subtle knowings.
You’re ready to become UNSHAKEABLE in your foundation.
In this experiential workshop we’ll cover:
⫸ How understanding the context of your soul's journey through the galaxy can help fortify you with the confidence you'll need for the journey ahead
⫸ Why activating your soul gifts and relentlessly pursuing the impulses of your heart is one of the most valuable things you can do at this chaotic time on the Earth plane
⫸ Why Earth needs more of her artists and visionaries to unapologetically activate their power—and LEAD
⫸ How your Galactic Guides are offering interdimensional support and guidance at this time—and how to connect with them
⫸ The importance of direct experience vs just endlessly consuming more information
This workshop is both transmission-based and experiential.
We’ll begin with about an hour of transmission-style teaching.
After a short break, we’ll reconvene for a guided quantum journey to connect with your galactic guides.
Additionally, inside the class portal, you’ll find BONUS quantum journeys so that you can continue to have a direct experience of your own Galactic Remembrance…long after the workshop ends.