NOTE: This workshop is a taste of what's inside my upcoming 3 week class U.F.O.!

You can get 25% off (a $111 discount!) with code DENSITYSHIFTUFO111


What You’ll Find Inside This Workshop (Navigation Guide)

(Scroll down this page to access the different sections)

Workshop Replay

  • Video Replay

  • Audio Replay

Workshop Summary

  • A written summary of the workshop

Bonus Audio Tracks

  • Energy Hygiene + Orient Toward Your North Star (earth energy & gravity + get clarity on next steps

  • Communicate with Creative Blocks (find out what’s really going on beneath the surface)

  • Meet the Spirit of Your Project (orient toward your creative projects + ideas as sentient beings)

Density Definitions

  • List of Lyssa Royal Holt’s channeled definitions of densities one through seven.



Audio Block
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Exploring Density Shift in Creativity

Lisa welcomed participants to the Density Shift workshop, expressing excitement about the topic. She shared a personal anecdote about how the concept of Density Shift came to her, initially as a metaphor for creative inspiration and later as a more refined understanding of the creative process. Lisa emphasized that the workshop would be an example of the Density Shift concept itself, as it would evolve and deepen over time. She also mentioned that there would be time for questions and discussions about how to apply the Density Shift framework to individual creative processes.

Understanding Density in Consciousness

Lisa discussed the concept of density in the context of consciousness and evolution. She explained that density represents different states of consciousness or existence, with each density having a specific frequency range or vibrational rate. She outlined the different densities, starting from first density, which is atoms and molecules, to second density, which includes plants and animals, to third density, which is humans. Lisa also mentioned fourth density, which includes Metahumans and Pleiadians, and fifth density, which includes spirit guides and masters. She concluded by describing sixth density as Christ consciousness and seventh density as a holistic system of consciousness.

Challenges of Multidimensional Awareness

Lisa discussed the challenges faced by individuals with a multidimensional awareness, particularly those who are more connected to the upper realms. She highlighted that while these individuals have no shortage of ideas, they often struggle with the follow-through due to a lack of energy flow from their upper energy centers to their lower centers. Lisa emphasized the importance of connecting to the lower energy centers, such as the solar plexus, sacral, and root, to facilitate the expression of ideas in the physical world. She also noted that the feeling of heaviness when trying to do something creative is a communication from the ideas adjusting to the shift in gravity when moving from higher density frequencies to the physical plane.

Platonic Ideal in Creative Process

Lisa discussed the concept of the Platonic ideal, a theory attributed to Plato that suggests there is a perfect, non-physical form existing beyond the physical world, with all physical things being imperfect imitations of these ideals. She likened this to the creative process, where artists attempt to match the perfect idea they sense in their heads. Lisa also touched on Plato's belief in the realm of forms as the source and destination of all things, and the eternal and unchanging nature of these forms. She suggested that this concept could be applied to the creative process, where the ideal is timeless and absolute, and can be represented mathematically.

Embodiment Practices for Creative Energy

Lisa discussed the challenges of creating and the importance of understanding that the creative process is inherently an experiment. She emphasized the need for energy work practices, such as moving energy from the root to the crown, and working with earth energy and gravity to become more embodied. Lisa also highlighted the value of physical movement and body work as an embodiment practice to learn how to work with gravity and earth energy. She noted that as she healed from the programming of extracting creativity, she had to face the reality of expressing it.

Decoding Cultural Baggage and Effort

Lisa discussed the challenges of working with cultural and societal baggage, particularly in relation to concepts like commitment and effort. She suggested that these ideas can be separated from their cultural associations through energy work, allowing them to be viewed in a more neutral light. Lisa used the example of writing a book to illustrate how these concepts can be applied in practice, emphasizing the importance of experimentation and checking in with the idea. She also introduced the Tarot card, the 8 of Pentacles, which she sees as representing the process of refining one's skills and getting closer to the high-density version of an idea.

Embracing Action, Feedback, and Experimentation

Lisa discussed the importance of taking action and trying to bring ideas into form, rather than just thinking about them. She emphasized that thinking about something isn't the same as doing it, and that one can only learn what an idea wants to be by trying to bring it through and letting it be messy and imperfect. Lisa also highlighted the importance of feedback and experimentation in refining ideas and skills. She suggested that people should not stop after a few attempts if they don't get the desired result, but rather continue to try and learn from their mistakes. Lisa concluded by encouraging a playful and experimental approach to idea development, rather than putting pressure on oneself to get it right the first time.

Perseverance and Creativity in Success

Lisa discussed the importance of perseverance and a playful attitude in achieving success, using the examples of famous artists like Bowie and scientists like Einstein. She emphasized that these individuals faced numerous failures before achieving their goals, and that a lighthearted approach can help navigate through these challenges.

Embracing Creative Ideas and Projects

Lisa emphasized the importance of engaging with the idea in the moment and trusting the skills to refine it over time. She shared her struggles with choosing a creative project and the pressure of deciding its scope. Lisa suggested to start with a small project and gradually expand it.

Managing Deadlines and Overwhelming Ideas

Lisa discussed the challenges of meeting deadlines and managing overwhelming ideas. Lisa shared her experience of feeling overwhelmed by ideas and the importance of grounding herself through meditation and energy work. Lisa suggested a practice of connecting with Earth energy to clear her space and gain clarity on what to work on next.

Gradual Progress and Quantum Leaps

Lisa discussed the importance of starting small and gradually increasing one's efforts, using the analogy of working out with weights. Lisa emphasized the need for acclimation and the potential for a 'quantum leap' in progress once the initial steps are taken. She also suggested that looking back at the early stages of a project or career can provide valuable perspective.


Here you will find a selection of bonus audio tracks, with energy work practices and guided quantum journeys.

The Energy Hygiene track guides an energy work practice to clear energies that our not yours from your system + separate from your phone. Then, it leads you into a communion with your North Star, which orients your inner compass toward your true north. This practice works with Earth energy to support you in integrating your lower centers plus clear out the noise of external energies to get in touch with your authentic self.

The Communicate with Creative Blocks quantum journey is a supportive track to take you to the root of any current “blocks” to your expression. It is my philosophy that what we call “blocks” in our culture is a DEEPLY MISUNDERSTOOD phenomenon and is actually an attempt at vital communication from some inner part of you. This track will help you resolve that communication and orient back to flow.

The Meet the Spirit of Your Project quantum journey is a track that will support you in connecting with your current project/idea as a sentient being.


These definitions of the density layers one through seven are channeled by Lyssa Royal Holt in her book MILLENIUM: Tools for the Coming Changes.

For copyright purposes please note I am replicating these here for informational purposes and I highly recommend purchasing the book!

Frequency Bands of Consciousness

Densities describe the different states of existence experienced by consciousness as it journeys toward wholeness. A density is a canewth on the radio such as AM, Vi, tie al rate much like Some individuals use the term "dimension" to denote the same idea, although to be technically correct, a dimension is something quite different. There are an infinite number of dimensions within each density. The densities, or frequency bands of consciousness, are defined as follows.

First Density

Atoms and Molecules Awareness as a point; physical matter

This frequency level is the most basic. It provides the matter and energy for the creation of atoms and molecules. The basic life forms of mineral and water, for example, are all operating from a first-density orientation. You possess this frequency within yourselves as a foundation because it makes up the basic genetic codes and comprises the molecular level of the human body.

Second Density

Plants and Animals; Awareness as a line; development of group or species identity

The consciousness expressed by a second-density frequency does not possess the ego sense of self-awareness. Most species within the plant and animal kingdom exist here. However, their placement in dimensional reality and density depends upon many additional factors, including the presence or absence of ego. Cur-mrently, as humans are moving from third to fourth density, some species (such as certain primates) are moving from second to third density and displaying the rudimentary development of ego struc-tures.

Third Density

Humans; Volumetric awareness; ego; linear perceptions of time; loss of group identity and development of individual identity; can remember the past and cognize the future while retaining present awareness

This is the density where human beings emerge. It is a vibration that creates the illusion of separation and thus a challenge toward awakening. Presently humanity is experiencing a transition period into fourth-density reality that can account for the many rapid changes and challenges the human race is now experiencing. Third density is the frequency that expresses the most separation from the whole. It is from here that many lessons about integration are learned.

Fourth Density

Metahumans, Pleiadians, and other 4D Civilizations; Superconsciousness; reintegration of group identity without loss of individual identity; cyclical and fluid perceptions of time; perception of multidimensional and multidensity realities; negatively oriented consciousness becomes more difficult to maintain

At the present time on Earth, fourth-density reality is overlapping third. The vibrational rate of reality is increased from 3D, therefore one might be faced with personal issues in a much more intense way. As the self seeks the wholeness of the 4D reality, reselution of personal conflict and relationships must be achieved.

This is the frequency where self-responsibility, personal sovereignty, and clarity in communication become essential. This is the last density in which physical bodies are used as vehicles for the expression of consciousness. Many civilizations choose to spend long periods of time within fourth density.

Fifth Density

Spirit Guides and Masters; Experiential awareness of"I" as a group identity; pure energy state; not bound by linear time

In this density, sentient consciousness begins to awaken to its heritage. This is the density of wisdom. Many from this realm choose to become nonphysical spirit guides to those in physical bodies. A fifth-density being merges with its family of conscious: ness or oversoul and begins to remember This is the first density in which a nonphysical orientation is experienced.

Note: There is no clear-cut distinction when transitioning from fifth to sixth and from sixth to seventh densities. Because these densities are not physically oriented, there is much blending in these transitions.

Sixth Density

Star Trek's "Q" (a simplistic example); conscious frequency band unto itself might manifest as group consciousness or individualized personalities that express the basic qualities of limitlessness and unified consciousness

This has often been called the Christ consciousness density. It is a frequency level equal to the examples displayed by the Christ or Buddha. From this frequency a total remembrance occurs, and one begins taking responsibility for the whole rather than the self.

The process of evolving the self and the whole becomes one and the same. The character known as Q from Star Trek: The Next Generation (without his tendency to cause trouble!) might suffce as an example of a sixth-density consciousness.

Seventh Density

A Holistic System of Consciousness; Awareness as the multidimensional experience

Analogy: a shattered mirror whose pieces have been reassembled into near-perfect condition, yet still remembers the experience of the past fragmentation.

This is the frequency of total oneness or integration. Those who vibrate to this frequency are merged in identity and become a mass-consciousness whole. They serve as a magnet to those in other trequencies and provide the current for the natural flow toward integration. They lead the way to the next octave of experience.